Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Every Season Book 1

First I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!! We made it through another year. How many New Year’s resolutions will we keep, I wonder? I’ve kept most of mine. ;) 
This past year I published the first book from the Chandra’s Quest series, (the revised version). I am sorry to say that family members were disappointed that I didn’t use my dad’s pic for the cover. Sorry. :(
 However, I will for the next book in this series. I’m still working on In the Company of Elves. I have been adding another story behind it, the White Deer. Those of you who've read In the Company of Eves will enjoy the White Deer. Hopefully I’ll get it done and re-published next year. I’ve been working on the first installment of Every Season book 1. There are three books I’m writing pertaining to my memoirs and the first one is almost done. As I mentioned before, none of my memoir books will be available to the public only family members will own a copy--that's if they want one. 
 The first book will consist of journal entries from 1978-1990. I started writing in diaries back in 1978, I was 13.
Once I'm done, I will edit the grammar and spelling in my book but, I want to remain as real as possible to the entries, won't change what I've written. Even though at the time when I wrote the entries, things were very different for me than what it is now. It is all about experiencing life through my eyes, how I felt and what I thought about people at the time. It is about things I've experienced growing up and leading up to the person who I am today. :)

Well, wishing all of you luck in the coming New Year. 
Happy New Year!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

New Entry for November : Royalties

It’s been a while since I’ve written IN THIS blog, but to be honest I really haven’t come up with anything new of late. I have been busy with my eBay shop & Amazon storefront. I would like to inform people that when I published my book through CreateSpace I checked off the book stores where it can be sold. Other sellers are selling my book too. 
My royalties are NOT what most people think either. If a third party seller sells my book I only get half from the sales. 


Friday, July 25, 2014

Update for Chandra’s Quest Book 2

Someone asked me if I completely removed the main character’s journal from the story. 
The original story was based on the main character’s journals and that is why it was written as a narrative. When I revised  it I did take it out but, decided to briefly mention it in book 2 (Changes) and book 4 (Resurrection). 

In book 4, Chandra’s great-great-great granddaughter will find the journal and will use it to shed light on what she is searching for. 

THANK YOU for the Recent Review: 

Last week someone posted a new review on my book. He/she liked it so much that they are looking forward to reading the rest of the book series. I want to say THANK YOU for your support. I appreciate it. Visit link to view the comments. Click recent reviews to read them. 

NOTE: If you wish to leave a review PLEASE do so. Some people choose not to use their real name on Amazon but, will use their username. I appreciate feedback. 

scanned image: This is a sketch drawing of Makea ( the bounty hunter) & Chandra from book 3. 

Chandra's Quest ebook

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Update for June

This is for the month of June:
     I'm almost done going over In the Company of Elves book, I have added another story behind it,The White Deer. I haven't quite finished it yet and I don't want to give too much away so I will leave it at that. 
     In the Company of Eves is on Amazon but is unavailable at the moment. However the ISBN number should remain the same when I publish it through CreateSpace. Yes, I will make it available as an eBook too.
 If you  have any question about In the Company of Elves please post your question in the comment box.

Recent Review on Amazon! :)
Someone has posted a recent review on my book, please visit to read reviews & post yours if you've read it. You can also start a discussion about the book, the site provides a section for it.

Chandra's Quest

Thursday, March 20, 2014


This is my blog where I post information about my books & where you can buy them. Once every other month I will post an entry. On occasion, I will post spoilers, pictures & anything about the books I am writing or have written.

About Me: Not only am I an Indie author but, like most self-published authors I do have a job and family. I am not a public figure, I am just an ordinary mother & a writer. Please visit the links below to view books I've written. Post your review on Amazon, GoodReads or Google books.

Chandra's Quest Book 1

Twisted Embers: Chandra's Quest Book 2

There are no reviews on this book, partly because book 1 is more popular. Book 2 is a continuation. There are 4  books to the Chandra's Quest series. I only self-published 2 of them at the moment.

In the Company of Elves