Saturday, January 29, 2022

Global Rate verses Actual Reviews

Lately I've noticed on Amazon  that people would much rather leave a global rate rather than a review. I prefer both but would settle for a rate anytime. 
What is the scale of rating on Amazon?
Rating scale: 1-5 stars. 1 being bad, 5 real good and the rest are in-between. 
When I scroll through items on Amazon that I am interested in, I look at the most recent reviews, then scroll to 1 star ratings then to 5 star ratings. I find that the most RECENT reviews and rates are more relevant. 

How important is it for an Independent Author to receive ratings & reviews?
It is important for an independent author to get reviews and ratings because it ups their credibility and exposes them to more readers.

What is the Audience of an Indie Author?
 There is always an audience for any kind of book out there but it's hard for Indie Authors to gain an audience if Amazon shuffles their books to the bottom of the list! Not fair, is it. This is why it's important to rate and review their books so that more readers will notice these incredible authors. 

All reviews count. The more reviews or rates a book gets the better. However, there's a problem with certain people claiming that reviews on Indie/self-published books are Fake and are posted by friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances or neighbors of the Author!! Does anyone see how ridiculous that is? 

Those claims are unfounded and are only put out there to discourage or scare readers from leaving reviews or rates on self-published books. So please be fair, all reviews and rates are valid, just post them. 
In conclusion, reviews and global rates help a struggling Independent author fulfill their dream of being recognized and sell more books. 
Stay safe & be blessed.