Sunday, July 12, 2015

New Video!!

I finally finished my book trailer and it is now available on YouTube! It took me a while to complete because of the editing I had to do to it and I was ill for a few weeks as well but I did it!!

 Cold Rise (a YouTube generic music available for users)
Cross the Border (an old 80’s favorite)
Until she Comes (it is at the very end and very short)

Pictures used are from various wallpapers. I should have made the trailer two years ago but, didn’t think about it until I saw some other book trailers done by various Indie/Self-published authors. 
Some were professionally done, with expensive software and some were done the same way as mine, with average computer software, easy to handle. Please visit link to view trailer and comment  if you wish. To those who haven't read the book, download it for your Kindle app or buy it from Amazon or other online book stores. 
Later, I will share excerpts from Book 2 in future blog entries.