Sunday, March 15, 2015

Seems Like Yesterday

I was reminiscing about when I first started writing my first book, Chandra's Quest. It was eighteen years ago and as I was going over some notes that I wrote back in the early 1990s I couldn't decide what I should cal my book. The notes were jumbled, and frankly I wasn't sure how to get started on writing my book, but while I was watching one of my favorite sci-fi shows, (Earth Final Conflict circa 1997) it hit me---the title for my book! Shandara's Journey. On that very year I gave birth to my youngest son and to my book.  However, the following year  I decided to change the title to, Chandra's Quest.

Something shorter and catchier, you know.  I did my writing when my children went to bed at night. I wrote for 45 minutes, four times out of the week. I used a type writer because we did not have a computer at the time; we didn’t get one until 2000. I did my best with what I had. 

The first book out of the series was completed in 2001, I published it in 2002 with Out of the twenty five books I ordered from them, I sold half on Amazon.

 As I look back now, I think of how I could have done things a bit differently; maybe I should have waited two more years on publishing my first book. Chandra’s Quest Book 1 was written as a first person narrative. The revised version, is not. 

Yes, the book has developed some fans and some Haters. Never-the-less, I am grateful that I got the chance in this lifetime to write my book. I am very proud of what I’ve written and wish all self-published authors out there luck with their books too. 

**Recently, someone ordered a copy of my book through Amazon and not through a third party seller. I am happy but the royalties could be better.
However, it’s okay. As long as people enjoy my books, that’s all that matters.

NOTE: I’ll be posting a new excerpt from Book 2: Changes, sometime next week.  Enjoy your evening everyone. 

Please visit my website for more info:
Author's website

Visit the YouTube Channel:
Chandra's Quest