Saturday, September 11, 2021

To Rate a Book

Are ratings better than reviews? I believe all are relevant  but lately, on Amazon, books are being rated and no reviews are left. Some Indie authors say that it isn't good and Amazon rating system will become like GoodReads. 

Two of my books recently received a rating but no review and that's okay with me. I welcome all kinds of rates and reviews. The more, the merrier. People notice books that have reviews or rates. It's  always important to leave some kind of rate on a book you've read. Good or bad or in-between will bring attention to any authors book and that's important.  So the next time you read a book, please do rate it---it matters.

Friday, September 3, 2021

My Nonfiction Book

I rarely share links to this book but that's  going to change. The Other Side of Things, is a nonfiction book, based on a blog where I rant and vent about various topics. I selected a few of them that I feel the reader might enjoy. Some topics are controversial,  but they're  basically women's  issues and my perspective on them. As I pointed out in the introductory page, I only state my personal opinion about certain topics, with no personal  attacks on anyone. The Other Side of Things is the only general nonfiction book, pertaining  to social issues, women issues that I've written.  Please do visit link to buy or download your copy.  it is only available as an eBook.