Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Books I am Working On Now

I've been busy these past couple of months with my writing and other craft projects. The company I worked for has put everyone on hold until the housing companies decide whether they want people to advertise for them or not. I have more time to write. I am still upset not being able to work during the summer but that's not what I want to talk about in this blog entry. 

Anyways, lets talk about my books. Lost in the Backrooms: The Phoenix Files Vol. 1 has been downloaded more than any of my other books which says a lot, thank you to the readers that are interested in my version of the Backrooms. That's a big deal to me. Also, two people actually bought the printed version, double thanks, I appreciate it. 
I do write under another pseudonym and I am going to reveal what the name is and where you'll be able to download the books I will publish under that name. 

Future books by CG Heandez

Womens' Stories: A Collection of Unbelievable Short Stories (General Fiction)

Through the Eyes of a Sign Twirler

Where to find them: Google Play and Apple Books.

I am currently working on, A Twist in Time:  a prequel to Chandra's Quest, and Vol. 2 of the Phoenix Files and Womens' Stories: A Collection of Unbelievable Short Stories. This book is considered general fiction, much like one of my other books called, Saints and Sinners: Affairs of the Heart.
Please do visit my YouTube channel and subscribe. Also, please do follow me on my website.


Sunday, September 3, 2023

The Hypocrisy: Early Reviewer Program?


As I stated in a previous entry, Amazon is biased. I have read other Author’s complaints regarding reviews that have been either blocked or removed by Amazon because they don’t fall under their dictatorial rules. Here’s a screenshot of those rules.

I would like to know in what reality was it when the only thing Amazon looked at when it came to reviews, they would scan for indecent & malicious reviews that had curse words or had nothing to do with the product. Those are the reviews they would block or delete.  

What bothers me is this one rule: 

“A review by someone perceived to have a close personal relationship with the product’s owner, author, or artist.”

Again, as I stated before, what the fuck? How the Hell would Amazon know who is who? The author doesn’t personally know everyone who follows them. Several years ago, I remember a person who posted online that Amazon will delete or block reviews coming from people that the author knows like neighbors, friends, family members, co-workers, followers, etcetera.

 I laughed because I couldn’t believe what I read. It’s unbelievable. I wonder what their bases for comparison is. I want to go back to the reality where Amazon wasn’t crazy. By the way, I stumbled across something that I found curious. While looking online about why Amazon blocks reviews, I came across this: 

Reviews are harder than ever to get, so why not take advantage of an Amazon-sanctioned review service?

The Early Reviewer Program is an initiative in which Amazon offers small incentives to buyers to leave a review for a new product. The program costs $60, and Amazon will continue to ask for reviews for 12 months, or until you get five reviews through the program (whichever comes first).

So, tell me, why would Amazon offer this? Now, that’s a bit hypocritical, don’t you think? They don’t want reviews coming from people who were paid to post a review but yet, they are encouraging sellers, indie authors and indie artist to pay $60 to get reviews on their products. Does anyone see the hypocrisy here? 

Well, I don't know where it all leads for the Indie authors. It just seems that they can't get a break. 

In addition, I want to add that I have seen that some indie authors have resorted to paying an outside source for reviews. It's true. I've seen it online. I would never do that because you don't know who you're sending the money to. Take for instance one person who suggested a site owned by someone in Nigeria. No way would I even consider anything from another country, especially Nigeria. But I fear that some indie authors are so discouraged and irked over the fact that their reviews are begin blocked, they will consider going to outside sources and thus, Amazon will delete their accounts. My advice is don't do it. There are other ways to obtain reviews. GO to other websites. Goodreads, Book Thing, and other places are not picky. And yes, I know that Amazon is the first place a person looks to when they want to buy a book or something else, I get it but find other places. Be happy if your book gets a 4 or 5 star on any website because that really means something--it does. 

For those who wish to purchase my books elsewhere please follow the links below: 


Barnes & Noble

Lost in the Backrooms

On Barnes & Noble you can only purchase paperback versions of the books I'm selling.