Thursday, March 20, 2014


This is my blog where I post information about my books & where you can buy them. Once every other month I will post an entry. On occasion, I will post spoilers, pictures & anything about the books I am writing or have written.

About Me: Not only am I an Indie author but, like most self-published authors I do have a job and family. I am not a public figure, I am just an ordinary mother & a writer. Please visit the links below to view books I've written. Post your review on Amazon, GoodReads or Google books.

Chandra's Quest Book 1

Twisted Embers: Chandra's Quest Book 2

There are no reviews on this book, partly because book 1 is more popular. Book 2 is a continuation. There are 4  books to the Chandra's Quest series. I only self-published 2 of them at the moment.

In the Company of Elves