Sunday, February 25, 2018

NEW! Q & A's for Cecile Garcia (author)

Time for Q & A’s. Sorry folks if I haven't written in my blog lately but I've been busy with my books & family. I promise I will share more excerpts & links to my books. Thanks to the people that took some time out of their day to send these questions.

Q: Your book, In the Company of Elves, is popular in my book club. We downloaded the book & have been reading it. I would like to know if this book has any relation to another book by the same name? Candance...

A: No, it does not. That book recently popped up on Amazon, it has no relation to my book. My book was originally published in 2009 and copyrighted in the same year. I revised In the Company of Elves recently and re-published. I have no idea when Sandie Bergen wrote her version, but her book came with a subtitle. Apparently, it is a part of a book series. I believe that her book's title should have been A Cat's Tale: In the Company of Elves. It makes sense to put the name of the book series as the main title. Don't you think?

Example:  My book Chandra's Quest, is a part of a book series that consist of 3 books. Books 2 & 3 start with the main title, then a subtitle. Just a thought.

Q: Since you have an Instagram account, will you be posting more pics from your books?  Anonymous.

A: I don't know yet. That account is fairly new so and I barely started posting pictures there. In the future, I will post more things related to my books. Thank you for your interest.

Q: Will you write another adult book? MK50..

A: Well, that remains to be seen. Maybe in the future.

Q: I've read Chandra's Quest Book 1 & 2, I would like a paperback version of them. When will they be available? Paige...

A: I've been working on that. When publishing a book as paperback with CreateSpace, which is the company I use, a writer must be sure the numbers are positioned correctly. It's a chore. Trust me and it takes time.

Q: Is it easier to upload a book on Kindle direct?

A: Actually, it is, and people seem to like to download books on their devices.

Q: I downloaded one of your books on Kindle and I can't post a review for it! Amazon doesn't allow me to post. Why?

A: I have no idea! I know that some authors don't want people trolling on their books, so they request for the reviews be eliminated, but I don't know if Amazon really does that.  I’m just speculating. I know that I WANT people to post reviews on my books. Reviews help. So sorry, I have no idea why you can't write a review.

Q: Hello, I am a manager of a small business bookstore.  I would like to order your book, In the Company of Elves and sell it in my bookstore. How?

A: Well, for personal customers, they must pay the price that's posted for each book. However, I think that for bookstores & libraries, it is different. You must go to CreateSpace and search for the book and order. I believe there is a discount for bulk orders. That discount is only for large or small businesses. Please get in touch with Amazon or CreateSpace for paperback books.

(I want to note that when ordering a paperback, you will get the book directly from the company that is selling the book. You'll receive my books from Amazon, not from me directly. In addition, when someone orders or downloads my book, the company never reveals to me who ordered or downloaded my book. Just a saying)

Here is my Author's Page on Amazon:

(This is the original book, In the Company of Elves. It was written in 2005 but published in 2009. I recently revised it.)

Revised version below

Saturday, February 10, 2018

NEW! In the Company of Elves paperback book

I finally published the paperback version of, In the Company of Elves. (not to be confused with Sandie Bergen's book)

The paperback version is now available for purchase. Bookstores and libraries can order copies if  they wish. This book is a young adult, easy read book. If you have any questions, contact CreateSpace. 

*NOTE: I own the rights to this book which was originally written in 2005, published and copyrighted n 2009. 

History of In the Company of Elves:
I started writing this book back in 2005, while working on the Chandra's Quest book trilogy. Originally, this book was a novelette. But after noticing some discrepancies within the text, I chose to revise it. The book is made for all ages. Fantasy/romance/adventure

What to Know:
As I stated above, this book is no to be confused with Sandie Bergen’s book, under the same title! I did in fact, come up with the title many years ago, so if someone else decided to use the title for their book, then whatever. I DO have copyright for the original title. Her book contains a subtitle and is part of a book series, mine is not. Content is very different as well. Food for thought.

Now let’s move on to Chandra’s Quest:
I am still writing Book 3 and will post excerpts in a few months from that book. However, I am struggling to convert Book 1 as paperback. As I mentioned before, it’s easy to upload a book to kindle, you don’t have to number your book, the Kindle app. does it for you. However, CreateSpace is different. You have to manually put the numbers and that is a chore! So, I will continue trying to upload my paperback version of Chandra’s Quest book 1 to CreateSpace but if one or two pages don’t match up, I just have to keep trying again and again. In the meantime, I will continue working on Book 3 and other short novelettes that I want to put out as well.