Saturday, March 7, 2020

Why Reviews are Important

Reviews make or break a new author! It’s true. When I got my first review for the 2002 unabridged version of Chandra’s Quest book 1, I was crushed but it didn't stop me from writing. 

In fact, I was in the process of revising Chandra's Quest, so as mean-spirited as the comment was, I chose to plow forward and continue revising Book 1 & 2.  

Constructive Criticism:
The one thing that a person should do when writing a review, is not discourage buyers from buying or downloading the book they've read. I’ve learned that leaving a review is important, better than none.
You should leave a review, whether good or bad but you should end it with something like this, “whereas this book did not appeal to me, it might appeal to those who are interested in reading it,” or “I did not like the book but you can buy it or download it,  judge for yourself.”

It's only fair to give others a chance to read, rate and review.

On Twitter, a reader asked everyone if they should leave a bad review on a book they read but didn’t like. They feel bad in leaving a negative review. They fear that the person will figure out who they are. 
As I stated before, all reviews are important, no matter if they are good or bad, as long as they are constructive, and it does not discourage others from reading the book and posting their review/opinion. In addition, people can remain anonymous. 

In conclusion, please do post reviews on any book that you've read from an author. Do it in a way that it does not discourage others from buying or downloading the book!  
You're not only helping the author but you're giving others a chance to read it too. Remember, that what you don’t like, the other person might. Keep that in mind.
Enjoy your books.

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