Friday, July 24, 2020

Chandra's Quest Book 3: Immortality

It's been a long road for this particular Trilogy of books. Technically, Chandra's Quest only consisted of three books, however I have made a recent decision. I have decided to split book 3 and now there will be 4 books to this trilogy. 

Right now, book 3 is in the editing process and will be published this year. I know that those whom have read books 1 & 2 have been waiting patiently for book 3, I am sorry that it has been taking a while to finish but I want to perfect it before publishing the book  I guarantee that it won't disappoint. It is a full length novel much like the other two before it. Please visit the links below for more information.

Chandra's Quest book 3: Immortality

Next book in the series is Chandra's Quest Book 4: Omega