Thursday, November 17, 2022

Cystal Thoughts: Updates on Some of my Books


Updates for some of my books. The Other Side of things (nonfiction book) has now been republished and is now available as an eBook on Amazon. However, I still have to work on the paperback version of the book. Since the book has less pages than before, it shouldn’t take too long. Please do download it, I state my personal opinion about certain life topics in that book. As I mentioned in one of my YouTube videos, I removed the Other Side of Things part 2, and combined the content with the first book. By the way, I avoided writing about politics in this book because I did not want to make my book another one of those rant books much like all those politically charged books on Amazon. All topics are of various Life issues, including abortion which is supposed to be about health not about politics. 

Now, let’s talk about Chandra’s Quest. In the book series, I took inspiration from various sci-fi fantasy tv series that were airing at the time. I am original in my writing; I am inspired by what I’ve watched on TV. So, let’s talk a little bit about Omega, there is a scene where Chandra and Soran commune, and as mentioned in the book, communing is the same as having sex when it comes to the Ny’Karin species in the Chandra’s Quest trilogy.

 Let me explain. They share their energy with their significant other and just like in that one scene in the Earth Final Conflict tv series, when Lilly and Da’an communed, the experience is similar to that scene. The Ny”Karins can center their energy to a certain part of the body and heighten the experience to climax.

 Anyways, now that I completed the Chandra’s Quest trilogy, I don’t expect a huge turnout in sales, but I am happy that I completed the series. Now I can concentrate on other written projects that are close to my heart. One of them is going to be my first fan fiction based on Doctor Who, well on one of the Doctors that is, it is still in the works. My next novel/novella will be a paranormal/supernatural book about a woman who works for the Catholic church as a Hunter and she and her sidekick investigate, hunt down the paranormal supernatural entities. This book is still in the works. I also made a few low content books which I’m surprised that I haven’t seen any sales yet. Technically they are not low content, because they’re not repetitive, in fact, I added different pictures in them that can be colored in by anyone 10 and older so I guess they’re considered mid-content books. However, when I was looking at YouTube videos about low content books and asked some people on the KDP community forum, I was given the wrong advice! I will dive into this topic in a later date before the year ends. I will also make a video about it too. In addition, I want to say that when you order some of my books on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or any other online website, I DO NOT mail the books myself. They are a part of Amazon distribution and are printed as demanded and shipped by Amazon or whatever online book store you ordered from so no, I never see who orders my books, they remain anonymous to me. I just see the royalties from the sales. So, with that said, thank you for those who did order some of my eBooks. 

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