Monday, November 27, 2023

Excerpt from a Twist in Time


(This is a short excerpt from, A Twist in Time: Something’s in the Sky chapter 2)

In the heart of February, Alyssa enrolled in a class situated in Riverside County to acquire the art of handling firearms. While her husband was the one with a passion for guns, she was curious to explore the allure herself. Surprising both her coach and herself, Alyssa proved to be a quick study. Although her husband frequented the local shooting range with his friends on weekends, she never accompanied them. Her motive for learning how to use a weapon was simple yet unsettling... Summer Lynn. Alyssa had no intention of using her newfound skill to harm innocent creatures, but lately, her thoughts had taken a darker turn. To keep her activities hidden from her husband, Alyssa provided a fake name at the shooting range and even shared her mother's address with the instructor. As she honed her abilities, it provided her with a twisted solace, allowing her to reflect on the state of her marriage. Her best friend Lynda once said, “Don’t worry about it, just divorce him already. He’s nothing but a waste of space." Alyssa dryly chuckled as she recalled that conversation.

The well-being of her kids weighed heavily on Alyssa's mind as she contemplated the impact of divorcing her husband; their youth made her fear the lasting emotional wounds it could inflict upon them. If only I can fulfill my fantasy in killing that bitch who is ruining my marriage,” she thought as she shot another round straight into the bullseye, dead center. Alyssa's group erupted in applause and cheers. Her instructor, beaming with pride, commended her for her improved skills and gave her a warm hug. Another student chimed in, praising her for mastering the task. Alyssa smiled and nodded, basking in the support.

 As her class concluded, she made her way home to find her children happily playing outside while her husband tended to the barbecue. Despite her suspicions of his infidelity, she chose to keep them hidden, preferring that he believed she was oblivious to the situation. "Darling, I was thinking, would you be open to hiring a babysitter?" he asked, catching her off guard.

 “Why?” she responded.

"I was thinking we could go on a trip like we used to before the kids came along," he said, flipping the burger patties on the grill.

"My mom can watch the kids for free, so we can go whenever you want," she replied, grabbing a coke from the icebox.

"I know a coworker, Summer Lynn, who could babysit for us. She could use the extra money," he suggested. Alyssa looked at him suspiciously, taking a sip of her coke.

 “That fucking bitch?” She placed her coke on the wooden picnic table near the homemade brick barbecue grill that her husband and his friend had built.

 "Why don't you invite her over? I'd love to meet her," Alyssa suggested. 

"Sure, I will. I'm so lucky to have married such a wonderful and kind woman like you," he replied, oblivious to Alyssa's cold expression and the sarcastic tone in her voice. Alyssa's mind raced with anticipation, thinking, I can't wait to meet her. 

She called out to the kids, "Come on, let's eat," as their pet cat tried to join them on the table. Alyssa quickly intervened, picking up the cat and placing her on the grass, saying, "Not you, Kitty. Go on now." One week later, Summer Lynn, a 28-year-old woman, was invited by her husband to join them for a barbecue party. With her light brown hair, coffee colored eyes, and a playful smile, she arrived wearing old jean shorts, a pink tee shirt, and mauve colored Nike shoes.

Every month, the Castros host a barbecue for their family and friends, as long as the weather permits. However, the only family members who attend these gatherings are Alyssa's immediate family and her mother. Alyssa rarely gets to see her brother, and their estrangement dates back to a disagreement over politics. Despite Alyssa's disinterest in politics, her brother and parents took offense when she voted for a president they did not support, causing a rift in their relationship. While her mother insists that Alyssa should apologize, she fails to recognize that the divide was caused by her brother's stubborn political beliefs. Alyssa's father is no different, holding strong and irritating convictions of his own. Alyssa vividly remembers her mother siding with her father on issues she strongly disagreed with, pretending that their marriage was perfect when she knew it wasn't. Alyssa, on the other hand, refuses to deceive herself about the state of her own marriage. She sees it as it is, imperfect. In addition to her family, Alyssa invites her two friends, Lynda and Maggie, who happen to be their next-door neighbors, to join them at the barbecue. Maggie knows nothing about her husband’s infidelity, but Lynda does. “Your mother didn’t come?” asked Lynda. Alyssa shook her head, “No she was busy today.”

“So that’s the whore, huh,” Lynda whispered to Alyssa, as she watched Summer Lynn walk toward the barbecue. Alyssa nodded. “She looks like a dumb blonde to me,” added Lynda, they both giggled. Maggie was initially clueless, but she soon figured out the situation. She was unaware of Victor's infidelity towards Alyssa, but it became evident to her quite quickly. Summer Lynn joined the group, taking a seat beside Alyssa on a lawn chair. The women engaged in a conversation while the men chatted and drank beer. Alyssa's sons were playing badminton outside, away from the group. Alyssa's home was a typical family setup, with a spacious backyard, a small front yard, and a desert landscape suitable for their region. “Will you ladies excuse me, I’m going to get another beer,” said Summer. She stood up and walked on over to the ice box that was next to the barbecue.

Alyssa's gaze fixated on her husband and Summer. Their eyes locked, revealing a magnetic pull between them. Burning with anger, Alyssa's glare pierced through them, her irritation intensifying. "So, is she going to be the babysitter?" Maggie questioned, giving Summer Lynn a skeptical look. Alyssa quickly responded, "No way, she's definitely not going to be babysitting for me," she snapped. Maggie and Lynda exchanged worried looks. 

"Why not," Maggie asked, curiously. Lynda shot Alyssa a quick look.

 "My mom lives close by, so she helps out with the kids when my husband and I want some time alone," Alyssa explained. Summer came back and took a seat beside Alyssa.

"Hey Summer, do you have any kids?" Alyssa inquired, a hint of sarcasm in her voice. Summer brushed it off.

"Nope, not for me. I'm too busy for kids, and I prefer being single and living life to the fullest," Summer replied. 

“Yeah, enjoying yourself with another woman’s man,” thought Alyssa, as she took a sip from her coke, her nose flared, and she sighed. 

“Mom, can we go inside and play with our Xbox 360? It’s kinda boring out here,” Alyssa’s older son Richard, asked.

“Sure, go ahead.” She smiled and kissed her son on the forehead. Richard, David, and Josh went into the house. She turned to Summer. “I know my husband wanted you to babysit for us, but my mother lives nearby, and she loves taking care of my kids so, no offense but I don’t need a babysitter at the moment,” stated Alyssa, firmly. Lynda gave Alyssa a clandestine wink.

If only you knew how much I want to kill you, bitch, thought Alyssa, her gaze bore into Summer, hidden behind her sunglasses, with a desire for vengeance that ran deep within her. The darkness lurking in Alyssa's thoughts was a chilling revelation, a side of her that remained unseen by those around her.

"Ah, well, that's alright then," Summer Lynn replied, deciding not to continue the conversation any further. Victor quietly entered the house without Alyssa noticing. 

"Excuse me, ladies, I need to use the restroom," Summer announced before heading towards the house. Once inside, she made her way to the bedroom where Victor was waiting. To avoid any interruptions, he closed the door.

 "So, what's the situation?" Summer shrugged. "I think she suspects something," she confessed. 

"No way, she's too self-absorbed to notice anything. Don't worry, she won't figure it out," Victor reassured her. He pulled her close, giving her a kiss and playfully patting her behind. "She makes me feel uneasy," Summer admitted. He reassured her, "She's harmless, just naive. You're safe." Feeling uneasy, she decided to leave because of  Alyssa.

"Alright, see you tomorrow at the usual spot," he said, stealing a final kiss before joining his friends. Alyssa noticed Summer following him outside. Summer bid them farewell, sensing the tension ease once she left. The evening proceeded smoothly without Summer, bringing a sense of calm. Later, Lynda spoke to Alyssa on the phone. "When will you confront him about what you know?" she inquired.

Alyssa replied, "My cancer is in remission, health is good. I'll do it soon, but not yet."

"Why wait? You should get rid of him, he'll only bring more trouble," Lynda advised. Alyssa agreed.

"Soon," that's all Alyssa said. 

A few days later Alyssa was talking to her mother on the phone. Her husband's out and her kids are watching television in the den.

"So, will you talk to him about his affair?" her mother asked her

"I prioritize my children above everything else in my life. Victor may claim to be spending more time with his friends at the shooting range, but I know the truth. He's actually upset about my decision to reject Summer as a babysitter. However, I couldn't care less about his feelings. I would much rather spend quality time with my children than with him. I am fully invested in their lives, attending their school plays and conferences, always being there for them. Victor seems like a mere ghost, just a presence in name only. It's disheartening to realize that he's having an affair, especially considering that he stood by me during my battle with cancer. I guess his support back then was merely out of obligation. Now that my cancer is in remission, he wants to be free to have sex with whomever he wishes,” Alyssa told her mother. A concerning look shadowed her mother's face. It has been several days since the unsettling conversation Alyssa had with her mother, and as she lay in bed, her husband snoring beside her and her children peacefully asleep, an eerie stillness filled the room. Downstairs, the cat was curled up on the couch, completely unaware of the intruder that was silently making its way to the master bedroom where Alyssa and her husband lay. The figure slowly revealed itself, standing ominously over Alyssa as she slept, its presence sending chills down her spine. With a gentle touch on her cheek, Alyssa's eyes fluttered open to a horrifying sight - a monstrous being with dark, hungry eyes staring back at her. Despite her piercing scream, the creature swiftly used its device to plunge her back into a deep slumber. Dark and twisted dreams consumed Alyssa's mind as she slept. She found herself surrounded by a sea of blood, lifeless bodies scattered around her, and a deep sense of anger and fear gripping her heart. The night was far from over, and Alyssa was trapped in a nightmare that seemed all too real.

Over the course of the next two months, Alyssa found herself in a terrifying situation as she was forcefully abducted and taken aboard a Ny'Karin ship for evaluation. The strange thing was, she had absolutely no recollection of the abduction itself. It was just another ordinary evening when she sat alone in her bed, engrossed in a book while her children peacefully slept in their rooms. Her husband was out with his friends, or so she believed. As the night wore on, fatigue began to take its toll on Alyssa, causing her eyes to grow heavy. She reluctantly set the book aside and rested her head on the soft pillow. However, instead of finding solace in sleep, her mind was plagued by horrifying nightmares filled with blood and anguish. She woke up multiple times throughout the night, drenched in sweat and trembling with fear. 
It is now June and the tranquil sound of crickets chirping outside filled the air, accompanied by a gentle summer breeze that gracefully entered the room through the open window, lightly caressing Alyssa's exposed leg. Just as she began to feel a sense of calm, a haunting voice echoed in her dream, urging her to take action against a woman who had caused her nothing but sorrow. Startled, Alyssa abruptly woke up and hastily rubbed her tired eyes, trying to make sense of the unsettling experience she had just encountered.
Surprisingly, her husband had already returned home and she quickly checked the time on the clock. 
"It's 3:45 am," she muttered before falling back asleep. It was the weekend, she took her children to the market where they selected their desired food items. As they walked back to the car in the parking lot, Alyssa's youngest son, Josh, suddenly pointed out something in the sky. 
"Look, there's something up there!" he exclaimed. Alyssa smiled and brushed it off, thinking he was just seeing shapes in the clouds. Her older son playfully teased Josh and messed up his hair, causing Josh to retaliate with a playful punch. "Cut it out, you two," she warned, David her other son laughed at his brothers. After getting her kids into the car and putting the groceries in the trunk, Alyssa took a moment to gaze up at the dark clouds looming above.

 As she looked up, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something observing from above. "There's something in the sky, watching," she muttered. Upon arriving home, her husband's absence didn't come as a shock, although she had anticipated him being there. She knew he would fabricate a story about being at work, but she had reached a point where she no longer cared. Dealing with Summer Lynn is something she is anticipating and will enjoy.

One Month Before the Invasion

Despite her husband's betrayal, Alyssa remains committed to her talents. 

"Are you going out with your friends tonight?" she asked, her voice laced with suspicion. 

"Yeah, we're just going to Caleb's Man Cave at his place. You should go out with your friends too. Take the kids to your mom's," he suggested, nonchalantly grabbing his Dodger blue windbreaker. Alyssa's eyes narrowed, a cold silence enveloping the room. 

I know you're meeting her somewhere, she thought to herself. With a heavy sigh, she replied, "I think I'll just stay home with the kids, since my friends are all busy." He shrugged, making his way towards the garage door, which slammed shut behind him. In a swift motion, Lyssa retreated to her chamber, leaving her children engrossed in the television, her mind consumed by thoughts of betrayal and deceit. She went upstairs and from the depths of the wardrobe in her room, she retrieved a wooden suitcase, its size unassuming. With utmost care, she extracted it from her private safe, hidden away from prying eyes. The contents concealed within held a secret, an item obtained through her personal credit card. Placing it gently on her bed, she took precautions to secure her sanctuary, ensuring her children remained oblivious to her possession of the deadly weapon. A wicked smile crept across her face as she unveiled a sleek, black pistol adorned with a silencer.

"I ought to track the breadcrumbs he carelessly leaves behind," she whispered to herself. She called her mother to come by and look after the children so she could step out for a brief moment. Her mother showed up thirty minutes later.

"So, that worthless husband of yours isn't around?" her mother inquired as she walked into Alyssa's house.

"No, he's not here, but don't fret, I won't be gone for too long. And even if I am, trust me, I'll ensure everything is sorted out soon," Alyssa declared firmly, her voice filled with determination. Her mother's throat constricted as she nervously swallowed, sensing the seriousness of the situation. "Alright, just be careful. Confronting him could lead to a messy situation," her mother cautioned, her voice tinged with concern. Alyssa nodded, understanding the risks involved. "Kids, behave yourselves for your grandma," she instructed, forcing a smile to mask her own apprehension. Alyssa suspected that her husband and Summer Lynn might meet up on the far side of Elsie Lake. This area was well-known for fishing and picnicking, although swimming was discouraged because of the high bacteria levels in the summer. She was aware that this secluded spot would offer them the privacy they desired, far from any curious onlookers.

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(A Twist in Time: Something’s in the Sky will be published in 2026)

Chandra's Quest