Tuesday, September 3, 2024

An Author’s Choice


Every writer sometimes chooses to steer their work in a new direction. Sure, many authors draw from their own life experiences, adding a twist for a bit of fun. I'm definitely one of them. 

For anyone interested, I have drawn on my past relationships with men in my recent books, written under CG Heandez. Additionally, I am married and have been for 33 years. 

Let's move past my personal life; I prefer to keep that private. Overall, it's up to the author to explore different genres, and if you appreciate their writing style, the genre shouldn't be a concern, whether it’s young adult stories or more mature adult content. 

Feel free to swing by my profile link and take a look at my books.


Friday, August 30, 2024

GooglePlay Books

 I have not uploaded many of my books to Google Play, but after recently adding one of my fanfiction stories, I have decided to upload part 1 of A Time Traveler’s Companion there as well. This series will be available exclusively in parts on Google Play. The complete novel will be available on Amazon in the future. I am offering readers an opportunity to explore this dark romance time travel story through an early preview. As some of my works include illustrations, I will provide the file in PDF format, while the audiobook will be available in EPUB, as that is the required format for audio production. For more information about my books, please check the link below to access them on Google Play. By the way, the cover image that is posted on GoooglePlay will not be used on Amazon.

GooglePlay: A Time Traveler's Companion part 1

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Updates: FLARE A New Book & Audiobooks


Updates on my books: I have recently published a new book called, FLARE. It is available on Amazon and GooglePlay. I will be working on the audiobook version and in a couple of months, a link to the audiobook will be available on this blog and the website.

I am currently editing a book titled A Time Traveler's Companion, which spans more than 400 pages. Once it is published on Amazon, a link will be provided on the website and this blog. In the meantime, it will be available on Google Play starting this month, where I have chosen to release it in segments. Those eager for an early preview can download or listen to the audiobook version on Google Play. The complete book will also be published on Amazon.

Saints and Sinners: Affairs of the Heart has been revised and is available on GogglePlay. I will upload the revised version on KDP over the weekend. The same goes for The Stranger Things: Paranormal, Supernatural and Unusual Phenomenon, (revised)

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Path Less Taken Excerpt from Chapter 3


“So, no magic whatsoever is involved?” Jane asked. Gabriel glanced at Maria, then he turned his attention to Jane. “Katy is just an everyday woman, a devoted Lutheran who cherishes her family deeply,” he said. MK reached out with her abilities, feeling the unmistakable pulse of life within Katy. "She is still alive," MK declared confidently. In that moment, Maria realized that MK possessed similar powers to her own, a revelation that brought a smile to her face as she considered the possibility that MK might be a witch too.

MK's striking sky blue eyes met Maria's gaze, and with a warm smile and a subtle nod, she acknowledged their shared connection. Maria took it as an acknowledgement that MK is a witch. She feels comforted.

“The increasing number of missing people is a cause for concern. A woman who miraculously reappeared after a year shared a bizarre story of getting lost, stumbling into a cave, and emerging in either Utah or Arizona. She claimed to have spent time with a Native American tribe, leading her to believe she had possibly traveled through time.” Sean recounted this tale as he casually sipped his beer. Jane expressed her apprehension by sighing and questioning, “Well, I hope we have the proper weapons to take with us.” Gabriel reassured the group that they were prepared, citing information from Father Patrick about a portal that supposedly transports individuals to a realm inhabited by the mysterious "Ant People." The mention of these beings piqued MK's curiosity, prompting her to inquire further about them.

“Ant People? What do you mean?”

 “Yeah, supposedly the creatures look like giant ants. The woman who came back said they look like giant praying mantises,” he said. MK gulped. She remembers the creatures she and Jane dealt with in the Backrooms. She took a hard gulp from her beer and cleared her throat. Maria sensed that Jane and MK must’ve been through a great ordeal that still haunts them. After finishing their meal, they made their way back to their respective rooms. "Jane, it's a shame we can't share a room," Sean joked. Jane, feeling unimpressed by his comment, was clearly irritated by his lack of awareness of her sexual orientation.

She scoffed and shook her head, making it clear that she was not amused. "I'm perfectly fine staying with the girls," she chuckled, trying to brush off the awkwardness. Once they reached their rooms, they parted ways, each going to their own separate accommodations.

"Sean seems to have a crush on you," MK teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested," Jane replied firmly, making her stance clear. Maria beamed as she stepped into the bathroom, preparing to freshen up before slipping into her pajamas for the night. Meanwhile, MK leaned closer to Jane, lowering her voice to a conspiratorial whisper.

“You do realize that Maria is a witch, right?” Jane's eyes widened in disbelief, her jaw dropping in shock. “Are you serious?” MK affirmed with a nod, prompting Jane to exhale sharply as she sank onto the bed, her hand covering her face in disbelief as she fixated on the bathroom door.

“Look, she’s not malevolent; she’s a white witch, which is precisely why Father Patrick brought her on board. I have a strong feeling she’s been on the organization’s payroll for quite a while now.” Jane let out a scoff, shaking her head in confusion. “How is that even possible?”

“Maybe he felt that we could use her insight. Please give her a chance. I have abilities and you don’t see me as a witch, right? Look at her as a person with abilities and not a witch. It will be easier to accept her presence,” MK urged.

 Jane nodded. “For you,” she put her arm around her friend and kissed her head. Maria walked out and noticed a tender exchange between them, she smiled.

 "The bathroom is available now," she announced as she made her way to her bed. "I understand what you are," Jane remarked, her tone laced with suspicion. 

"Please don’t," MK interjected, directing a warning look at Jane.

 "I regret that you harbor such negative feelings towards witches, but not all of us are malevolent," Maria defended herself, her voice steady.

 "She’s aware," MK shot Jane a glance that clearly conveyed a message to keep quiet.

"Could you please explain how you know Father Patrick?" Jane pressed; her curiosity piqued. Maria nodded in response, a hint of surprise crossing her face. "I’m actually surprised he hasn’t mentioned me, especially since he wanted me to join this mission with the team."

"No, he didn’t," Jane replied, her skepticism evident as she scrutinized Maria. With a resigned sigh, Maria continued, "Well, he discovered me and recognized my potential, offering me a chance to contribute positively. My parents are devoted Catholics and have been since I was a child and they noticed that I had,” she paused. “Certain abilities. They thought that maybe I was possessed but it was the father who gave me a chance and I was trained by the organization to serve and protect people who encounter magic. I sense magic and guide the Hunters. I am also psychic.”

Maria looked at MK. “I know that you have abilities too,” she paused. “Are you also a witch?” 

MK shook her head. “I really don’t know what I am, but Jane accepted me as I am and she’ll accept you too, right Jane,” MK raised an eyebrow and gave her a nod. Jane sighed and nodded. “I will try that’s all I can say.”

“I know why you feel the way you do about witches and maybe after this assignment is over, I can help you find who you are looking for,” said Maria, she gave her a nod. Jane smiled and stood up, grabbed her clothes, and walked into the bathroom to shower.

“I believe Jane will accept your help. She just needs time to get to know you,” said MK.

“This case is more than what it seems,” Maria said as she pulled back the sheets on her bed. She wore a white night shirt that had gold printed stars on it with matching pajama pants.

“What do you mean?” asked MK.

“Well, there are forces that control space and time. It’s possible that these creatures are in possession of something very ancient that can manipulate the laws of time, maybe reality itself.” 

MK pondered, “Maybe this is what I’ve been sensing.” She slipped into her pajamas in the bedroom, deciding to skip the shower. Her slim figure was adorned with a cute red nightshirt, which was actually an oversized tee shirt she had picked up at a thrift store, featuring the BJ Winery logo. Feeling a slight chill in the air, she pulled on her black leggings before climbing into bed. Just as MK settled in, Jane emerged from the bathroom, ready to unwind for the evening. “You’re not gonna use the bathroom?”

 “Well, maybe to pee,” MK chuckled. She got out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Maria was brushing her hair, and she took off her glasses, setting them down on the nightstand. “Goodnight Jane, pleasant dreams,” she said.

“You too,” Jane responded and took off her blouse, threw a grey tee-shirt over her head and unstrapped her bra from behind before pulling the shirt all the way down. Maria was lying on her side and noticed a scar on Jane’s back, it’s not that prominent but a moderate size. She wondered where Jane got it. Jane noticed her stare and her eyebrows furrowed.

 “I got the scar during a hunt for a velociraptor in Utah. It attacked me but another hunter neutralized it before it sank its teeth into my neck.”

 “Oh,” Maria said. She made the decision to shut her eyes and attempted to drift off to sleep. The concept of dinosaurs roaming the Earth was something she never entertained, yet the world is full of surprises, and she had witnessed her fair share of peculiar occurrences. After MK emerged from the bathroom, all three women were soon fast asleep.

"Have you had the chance to peruse my letter?" The man who professed to be MK's father communicated with her telepathically. Glancing around, she suddenly realized she was in a different room altogether. "Please let me be. I will read it in due time, but I do not wish to remain here."

"But this is where you truly belong. Return, Little Princess, come back home." Maria found herself in MK's dream by mistake. As she looked around, she saw MK talking to a mysterious man whose face was hidden. Curious, Maria approached the man to get a closer look. Suddenly, the enigmatic man turned to her and demanded, “Who are you?” Maria's heart pounded in her chest as she laid eyes on the figure with three eyes, grayish skin, and a menacingly wide mouth. As the third eye began to open, she felt a sense of impending doom, prompting her to hastily wake herself from the nightmare by whispering an incantation. Gasping for breath, she sat up in bed, relieved to be free from the terrifying vision. MK was mumbling in her sleep. Maria sighed and quietly stood up, and stepped toward MK. She gently placed her hand on MK’s forehead and said a prayer. MK’s pulse eased, and her mind became calm. Maria crawled back into her bed, pulling the bed covers over her head, and laid in a fetal position. The next morning, Jane, MK, and Maria joined Sean, and Gabriel at the restaurant adjacent to the hotel where they were staying. 

The Church arranged their accommodations and provided transportation to Yosemite National Park. While the Hunters reflected on past missions, Maria's curiosity sparked as she asked, “What was your experience in the Backrooms like?” Jane and MK shared a knowing look, while Sean cast a disapproving glare at Maria. “Did I say something wrong?” Maria questioned, puzzled.

 Jane reassured her with a shake of her head, "No, everything's okay," she replied, swallowing nervously.

“I have a confession to make," Maria began, "I've been having strange dreams about the Backrooms. I often see the inhabitants and wander among them, invisible," she revealed. 

The air was heavy with silence until Gabriel shattered it, “Explain,” he demanded. 

"I possess the power to astral project and journey into alternate dimensions. During my time in the notorious Backrooms, I stumbled upon small communities of individuals residing in various corners of that eerie realm. The Backrooms stretch far beyond what you might have witnessed during your own visit," she gazed at MK, her expression filled with solemnity. “The dimension has expanded so much that it feels like a new world,” Maria said. Jane nodded in agreement, yet her expression made it clear she preferred not to discuss it further.


Sunday, March 3, 2024

What About AI?

I know I promised that I would post more excerpts of books that have been published and books I am working on but I must address this matter: 

Do you use AI to write your books? 

Let me say that I DO NOT. I am old school, and I really don’t know how to use AI to write. I feel that AI doesn’t capture what the author envisions for his/her books so therefore using AI to write is like using Alexa as your audio voice for your audiobooks. 

With that said, I do use images created by AI for short videos and for my blogs ONLY. I am so old school that I still use photoshop online editing tools for pictures I make that I use in my books. I’ve been doing it for over 15 years, now. Using online editing tools for my images is my personal prerogative and I see nothing wrong with it. 

What I think about AI?

I feel that people are up in arms over AI art much like when 3D rendering and photoshopping were ostracized by certain groups. But just like in the past with 3D rendering and photoshop, the dust will settle, it will pass and be accepted.

 I am grateful that back in the 2000’s I discovered certain online tools to create my images, I still use those tools to this day. If people don’t like that I use photoshop and online editing tools, well they don’t have to and they don’t have to follow me. Just saying.  Anyways, peace and no hate. Support other authors, stop being mean-spirited Haters. If you don't like what an artist created or what an author wrote, don't follow them, its' that simple.

NOTE: I am happy to say that Lost in the Backrooms continues to be downloaded and read. Thank you.

If interested in my books please visit link below. I mostly write preteen to young adult books under the pseudonym Cecile Garcia however, I do have another pseudonym which I will use to publish adult rated books (18 & over).

My Amazon


Friday, February 23, 2024

Excerpt from A Time Traveler's Companion


(This is an excerpt from Chapter 1: Mr. Smith.)
Trigger warnings: sexual situations

Let me tell you about the day I met the man who changed my life forever, it was ordinary day, nothing special and I decided to take a hike at one of my favorite hiking spots, the Menifee Cross Trails. The hills are crisscrossed with numerous narrow trails, offering a total of 2.7 miles of hiking. However, if you decide to explore the additional trails in the area, it can turn into quite a satisfying workout. Leila, my friend, and I have ventured up those hills a few times before. One day, while she was busy working at the nearby mall, I found myself feeling bored. 

I decided to take my Honda electric plugin hybrid for a spin and parked it in the dirt lot where most hikers leave their cars, conveniently located next to one of the trails. Three other cars were parked in the area, all owned by the most committed hikers who frequent the spot. I brought along my trusty red and brown backpack, sporting my favorite olive-green safari button-up shirt paired with brown khaki shorts, and laced up my ankle-high rust brown hiking boots before hitting the trail. Reaching the summit of a modest hill, I paused to catch my breath. Glancing around, my gaze settled on the imposing metal cross standing proudly atop a larger hill nearby. 

The origin of the cross remained a mystery to me, yet it served as a focal point and drew visitors to the hiking trails. As the fog gradually dissipated, the landscape appeared less foreboding than it had at the start of my trek. In the distance, I spotted a couple of fellow hikers enjoying the serene surroundings. I took a sip from my water bottle and after I rested a bit, I started my descent. As I continued my journey, I noticed a different path up ahead and decided to explore it. However, out of nowhere, a series of bizarre events unfolded, catching me off guard. It was an inexplicable and perplexing situation. The air crackled with an eerie static electricity, causing a shiver to run down my spine. 

My heart raced in my chest, amplifying the intensity of the moment. Standing there, an inexplicable sense of unease crept over me as I waited, unsure of what I was waiting for. A nagging feeling urged me to flee, yet I remained rooted to the spot. Suddenly, a peculiar whooshing, humming noise echoed from behind me, causing me to whirl around in alarm. Before me, a strange shimmering object materialized, startling me into a sudden jump. As I took a step back, my eyes widened in disbelief as an ominous black monolith, towering as it emerged out of thin air right before me. Time seemed to stand still as I found myself frozen in place, holding my breath in anticipation of what would happen next. “What the Fuck?” I muttered, as the force of the strange monolith materialized; a sudden whirlwind swooshed my hair back. The wind abruptly ceased, leaving me in a state of bewilderment. I glanced around, hoping to find someone who had also witnessed this inexplicable phenomenon. Standing there, a mix of awe and confusion washed over me. "What in the world," I thought. 

Curiosity compelled me to approach the enigmatic object, cautiously running my fingers along its smooth and icy surface. A sudden jolt of static electricity coursed through me, “Ouch,” I recoiled my hand. The monolith towered before me, measuring 38 inches wide, and a staggering 7 feet in height. Perplexed, I couldn't help but wonder about the purpose and origin of this mysterious structure. With wide eyes and a mind filled with questions, I stood there, utterly dumbfounded. Just as I contemplated the enigma before me, a figure emerged from within the monolith. Startled, I swiftly moved to the other side, seeking cover behind the towering structure. As I peered from behind the monolith spotting a man stepping onto the trail, seemingly unaffected by the strangeness of the situation. He looked to be in his late twenties, maybe early thirties. 

He glanced around, scanning from left to right. Looking at his attire, he was donning a brown pinstriped blazer over a white button-up shirt, paired with denim jeans and black high-top sneakers. Initially unaware of my presence, I hid behind the monolith and discreetly glanced around the corner. As he moved away from the monolith towards my intended direction, I debated whether to leave or follow him, ultimately, I succumbed to my curiosity and trailed him surreptitiously. Halting midway, he paused to survey his surroundings with hands in his pockets, letting out a sigh and shaking his head. Eventually, he pivoted to return to the monolith, our gazes locking as he appeared surprised, his eyes filled with curiosity. Leave, don’t follow, I thought to myself. “Wow,” he said, as he scanned my appearance. “Are you one of the locals?” I just stared at him. He smiled. I was at a loss for words, unsure of what to say as I noticed a distinct British accent in his voice. 

“Who are you,” I finally got the courage to ask. “You can call me Mr. Smith,” he said. “How did you get here,” I asked, my curiosity piqued. With a mischievous grin, he approached me and replied, "I stumbled upon this place during my travels." His eyes sparkled with a mix of curiosity and a hint of allure. As he spoke, I couldn't help but take a step back, unsure of what to expect. Sensing my hesitation, he reassured me, "If you're interested, I'll gladly show you around. But if not, feel free to leave." A lump formed in my throat, causing me to hesitate. He moved closer, attempting to hold my hand, but I instinctively pulled away. "Don't worry," he assured me, his voice soothing. "I'll ensure your safety and make sure you have a wonderful time." Gesturing towards the mysterious monolith, he insisted, "Trust me, let me show you."

Once again, he reached out for my hand, and a warm sensation washed over me, making it impossible to resist. Despite my apprehension and uncertainty, I found myself irresistibly drawn to this enigmatic man who emerged from the depths of the monolith. His captivating eyes, charming smile, and the aura surrounding him had me completely mesmerized, along with the enigmatic monolith itself. As his touch enveloped me, all thoughts of my past vanished, and I became completely entranced, until he finally asked, "What's your name?"

I timidly introduced myself, "Um, my name is Remi,” I said softly. His smile transformed into a seductive smirk, his eyes leisurely exploring every part of me. Approaching the towering monolith, I noticed a lone figure peering down from the nearby hills, undoubtedly as bewildered as I was by its sudden appearance. "Come on," he beckoned, gesturing towards the monolith with a mischievous smile and a playful wink. Confused, I glanced at the monolith, devoid of any inscriptions, its sleek black surface chilling to the touch, just as I had mentioned earlier. With a sudden jolt, the door slid open, causing me to instinctively recoil. With unwavering confidence, he took a bold stride into the room, and I hesitantly mirrored his actions. 

However, as I crossed the threshold, a wave of disbelief washed over me, causing my mouth to fall open and my eyes to widen in astonishment. The sheer magnitude of what lay before me left me breathless, and I couldn't suppress a gasp that escaped my lips. In that moment, he couldn't contain his excitement and proudly declared, "Welcome to my humble abode," relishing in the astonishment that was etched across my face. 

"This is a Time Dimensional Spacecraft, or TDSC for short," he announced. Looking around, I suddenly realized that I was situated within an otherworldly spacecraft. My eyes widened in astonishment. "Wait a minute," I blurted out as I exited the craft and began to walk around it, feeling a wave of bewilderment wash over me. It became apparent that the interior and exterior of the spacecraft were not proportional in size.  Quickly, I made my way back inside, trying to make sense of this perplexing discovery. 

"Wow! I can't believe my eyes, it's bigger on the inside!" I exclaimed, filled with awe. Instead of feeling afraid, I was completely fascinated by the whole experience and eager to uncover the mysteries behind this intriguing man and his extraordinary structure. He chuckled, clearly pleased with my reaction. 

"I had a feeling you'd be amazed," he said, with a smug grin on his face. My heart raced, and I couldn't tear my gaze away from the mesmerizing interior.

"Would you like to embark on an adventure with me?" he asked. My heart skipped a beat, and I took a deep breath, my eyes brimming with astonishment. I was at a loss for words. "Your eyes are captivating," he remarked, gazing at me intently, as if weighing a decision. His deep brown eyes roamed over me in a suggestive manner, causing me to blush and look away. An uncomfortable silence hung in the air momentarily. "Wait, is this a spaceship? Am I being abducted?" I hesitated, edging towards the door that was invisible from the outside but visible from within. 

"No, the choice is yours if you wish to leave. We're still on the same hiking trail you were on,” as he approached, he offered reassurance and locked his gaze with mine, his towering figure almost reaching six feet. Feeling a mix of nerves and anticipation, I couldn't help but nervously smile back at him. "I believe the person you saw earlier is nearing the TDSC and may be contacting others soon." A soft smile graced his lips as he looked directly at me, his eyes filled with anticipation. It was evident that he was eagerly awaiting my response, silently pleading for a positive answer. The way he gazed at me spoke volumes, conveying his desire for me to agree to whatever he was proposing. 

"If you decide to accompany me, we can journey to any destination of your choosing, and I'll ensure we return before dinner. I possess the ability to traverse time. The possibilities are endless." Despite his kind offer, I still felt unsure.

 "Don't worry, once you get to know me, you'll realize how awesome I am.” His words were accompanied by a chuckle and a smile, sending a shiver down my spine. As I nervously chuckled, my eyes wandered around the room, absorbing the sleek, jet-black design with mesmerizing geometric patterns. The two control panels on opposite walls and the smooth floor that mirrored the ceiling captured my focus. Yet, it was the mysterious black pillar embellished with sparkling crystals in the center that truly captivated me. Setting my backpack down on the floor, I cautiously approached, drawn in by its enchanting allure.

This book will be published under a different pen name. An audiobook will be available soon on GooglePlay.



A link to another Excerpt related to A Time Traveler's Companion


A Video of the interior of the Monolith


Excerpt Video 




Friday, February 2, 2024

Summary for Diary of a Time Traveler's Companion


On a beautiful summer day, Remi, a young woman of 18, set off on a hike. Little did she know that her adventure would take an unexpected turn. As she strolled along the trail, a majestic black monolith, standing tall at 7 feet, materialized out of thin air. Suddenly, a mysterious man emerged from within, and their gazes intertwined, creating an instant connection. Mesmerized by his enigmatic charm and alluring smile, Remi couldn't resist the allure of his invitation to embark on a journey through time and space within the monolith. Overcoming her initial hesitation, she took a leap of faith, unaware of the life-altering secrets that awaited her in the arms of this handsome and mysterious time traveler.

In the future I will share more excepts from A Time Traveler’s Companion, they will be posted on another blog.

A Time Traveler's Companion

Mr. Smith


Inside the monolith