Saturday, February 23, 2019

Fifty Shades of Grey: What I Think

I have put this off for far too long now. Everyone has stated their opinion about Fifty Shades of Grey, on videos, on blogs, on social media, et cetera. I chose to read the entire book this time and of course, see the movie before I stated my opinion. I did write something about this book, in passing but it was in a blog entry related to fanfiction. After reading the book and watching the movie, they were both excruciatingly disconcerting!

 Everyone who made comments about the abuse that takes place in this book were right! It is disturbing, however BDSM is a lifestyle choice. Favored by the those who enjoy that rype of relationship, so I am not going to state my opinion about BDSM, I’ve never practiced it, and I'm not interested.  

As for the author’s writing, well, I’ve read worse. Yes, I know, some of you will say, “Where did you read worse?” Let’s just say, that I have. I think that her books are easy read. I consider some of my books easy read, however I do edit them before publishing. I believe that the author did her own editing. I don’t believe a publishing company had a HAND in this trilogy but even if she did publish through an Independent Publishing company, she still has the responsibility to edit her work, thoroughly.
Now, most people demean the character’s dialogue in the book. Anna says, "Holy cow," or "my inner goddess," more times too many and not to mention the texting thing going on between the characters, however the book is based on Anna’s narration, first person narrative, so it's excusable. Any author can make their character talk and act whatever way they want in their books. I did, with the first book I wrote. In Chandra’s Quest book 1, the original 2003 version, the book is based on the main characters’ journals, written as a first-person narrative. The FEW people who read my book back in the day, made a few disparaging comments about it, but not on Amazon where I was selling it as a third party seller, mostly on forums & social media. Unlike EL James books, Chandra’s Quest was not based on fanfiction, it's original. I wrote my story using my own imagination, but I did take inspiration from TV shows like, Earth Final Conflict, Lexx and other sci-fi, shows that were popular at the time.

Side note: If you’re inspired to write a story based on a TV show or movie you like, it is not the same as stealing from them.

In EL James books you can clearly see it.
In Fifty Shades, Christian Grey is controlling, narcissistic, intimidating and abusive. Something that would send a red flag in any real woman out there. However, the author made the story seem romantic! Many people have noticed this, and critics pointed it out. There is a movie called The Secretary, that might have inspired her too. Referring to the BDSM parts. 
The main character's name in that movie is Edward Grey. I will provide a link to the information to this movie below. Trust me, there are similarities. Technically, she fanfic both Twilight and The Secretary, using pieces from them. Watch the movie, you'll see.
It’s okay to get inspiration from TV shows, but the similarities in her books are too accurate, except for some name changes.

Why was this book called, Mommy Porn?
Many critics refer to the series as “mommy porn”, alongside jokes about the poor literary quality of the novels. This reveals a disdainful attitude toward fans of the franchise, who are often dismissed as bored, borderline illiterate housewives.

Hmm. Interesting. I’m a housewife, I work a part-time job, graduated high school, took a writing class in community college, yet I don’t consider myself ILLITERATE, but I can’t believe that people thought that most stay at home moms, are illiterate! How insulting is that? 
I think the appeal of this book to most women is curiosity. Curiosity is what encouraged me to download the book and read it, but it isn’t sexy because of the abuse. Maybe when I was in my early 20’s I would have found it sexy, very appealing and I would have been one of her biggest fans. 

What part of Fifty Shades was Twilight fanfic? 
All. The fanfiction story E.L. James wrote on was called Masters of the Universe. Look it up.

In E.L James own words:
"I just sat on my sofa and just read them and read them and read them," James told ABC back in 2012, referring to the books in the "Twilight" series. "I was inspired by (Twilight' author) Stephanie Meyer ... she just kind of flipped this switch in my head."

(She was referring to the twilight books.)

When did she decide to write the books?

Shortly after reading the Twilight books, the author said she sat down and decided to write a book of her own.

Not everyone liked her stories:

Many readers deemed James' stories too provocative for, and she was forced to remove some of them from the site.

Just as I thought, she was irked over certain people (haters) complaining to the website about her stories. She was forced to remove her content. That would piss off any writer.
(Maybe it was then that she made a deal with the Devil) 

In conclusion, I give her book a 2 star. It’s not great but it’s not bad either. Since I’m not a twilight fan, I can be partial, not bias.

Masters of the Universe

The Secretary 

My Website

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