Monday, June 20, 2022

What Genre Do I Prefer to Write

What Genre Do I Prefer to Write

Fantasy, Paranormal/Supernatural and general fiction, anything else but Sci-fi. Yes, I find Sci-fi hard to write. My first book Chandra’s Quest is science fiction, in fact the whole trilogy is but I added a bit of fantasy and mysticism to it. It has taken me longer to finish the trilogy than expected but finish it, I will. 

20 years ago, I was inspired and motivated to write this trilogy however as the years moved on, I found myself lacking the motivation I once had. 

Fast forward to now, I struggle completing book 4 but I will get it done nevertheless and move on to my next projects.

 I have a Supernatural/paranormal book in the works, easy to write since I get my inspiration by reading Reddit stories or creepy pastas, etcetera. The web is full of them. The foundation is there, all I have to do is fill in my take on whatever moves me. 

I will not reveal the title of the book, I prefer to keep it surreptitious. 

Bottom line is, I am still working on and wrapping up Book 4 of Chandra’s Quest, once that’s done and published I will dive into my other projects. 

For those who have read Chandra’s Quest, and await the final installment,  be patient, it will be published this year as an eBook first.

 By the way, if you have read any of my books, please do rate or review them. I appreciate it. Thank you. 


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