Sunday, August 25, 2024

Updates: FLARE A New Book & Audiobooks


Updates on my books: I have recently published a new book called, FLARE. It is available on Amazon and GooglePlay. I will be working on the audiobook version and in a couple of months, a link to the audiobook will be available on this blog and the website.

I am currently editing a book titled A Time Traveler's Companion, which spans more than 400 pages. Once it is published on Amazon, a link will be provided on the website and this blog. In the meantime, it will be available on Google Play starting this month, where I have chosen to release it in segments. Those eager for an early preview can download or listen to the audiobook version on Google Play. The complete book will also be published on Amazon.

Saints and Sinners: Affairs of the Heart has been revised and is available on GogglePlay. I will upload the revised version on KDP over the weekend. The same goes for The Stranger Things: Paranormal, Supernatural and Unusual Phenomenon, (revised)

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