Saturday, August 22, 2020

Rate and Review

Quote from a post I read:
FYI AUTHORS/WRITERS:  Amazon now allows 1-star ratings without a review explaining why a book or a product is given the rating.  It is said that 99% of the time, the book is not even read.  One explanation, especially if it is a non-fiction book, that a competitor who has a book in that category will try to sabotage a book.  Amazon allows a rating to be given w/o reviews.  However, it is nearly impossible to get it removed if it has no review attached to the rating showing who gave it the rating.  THIS IS NOT FAIR for Amazon to allow this to happen to the writer or a vendor selling a product.  It leaves the author wide open for nefarious efforts by unscrupulous people.

I'm aware that some people cannot leave reviews for my books on Amazon unless you're a 'VERIFIED' purchaser.
 Here is my question: What about the people who received my books as gifts or maybe they read my book through a shared download like Kindle Unlimited?
Well, Amazon is restricting reviews on only Independent/self-published author's books, because as someone once said, "These so called authors have someone they know post reviews for them just to make them look good."

That statement is unproven since there are plenty of people who post their reviews on books that they have bought elsewhere or were given as a gift so, those people are not verified buyers, right? I'm one of those people. I've left quite a few reviews on books that I bought in a book store or on another website and I don't 'personally' know the author. So in light of the situation, I am posting links to where you can rate and review my books. 

Google Books: If you have the Google Books app, you may not find my books through the app but if you search for them through Google search you will find them. 

GoodReads: This popular website has brought readers in touch with various books available to download or buy as paperback. Many post their reviews on this website.

NOTE: Some of the books do not have updated book cover images. Chandra's Quest, on Good Reads, has the older 2013 book cover version and the pages of the book are not updated to the current version as the one on Amazon but you can still leave a review. Gypsy Heart has not been added yet to GoodReads or Google Books because it is not available as a paperback.

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