Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Stranger Things: Paranormal, Supernatural & Unusual Phenomenon Chapter 12 Excerpt


Stranger Things: Paranormal, Supernatural & Unusual Phenomenon
Chapter 12 excerpt

Chapter 12: Night Crawlers

What are night crawlers? Where do they come from? Well, the first sighting that I’ve heard of was several years ago, posted online and on YouTube.

*Fresno, California, might not always be the most exciting place in the world, but it has one claim to fame that's out of this world. The Fresno Nightcrawler sightings began back in the 1990s and have only occurred a few times since then. These strange creatures look like pants walking but are only a few feet high and are seen just wandering around. There are only a few eyewitnesses in Fresno,

but the Nightcrawlers do pop up on other surveillance cameras, startling whoever checks the CCTV tapes. Much video footage of cryptids is easily debunked by video analysis, but the weird thing about the Nightcrawlers is that the videos seem to be legit. 

What I think: Yep, I have never seen a Night Crawlers, I would love too though. When I was a kid, my family and I went on vacation trips to different states and national parks. Never once did I see anything unusual but then again, we never ventured outside at night without my parents beside my brother and me. I do remember once when we were camping somewhere at a campground in Arizona in a forested area by a lake, there was an unusual looking deck, like for boats and stuff. What was unusual about it was that the deck was made of wood, kind of old looking, but there were large rocks extending from the lake’s floor upward, close to the deck where you can just step on them and continue walking on them until you reached the edge and can look out to the lake. One day as I was at the edge, I peered downward to see how far the large rocks go. The water was semi clear and as I strained to look down, I saw two large snails making their way up alongside of the rocks! One was as big as a basketball the other a bit smaller. My eyes shot open. I have never seen anything like it before, so I quickly ran back to the campsite. No, I did not tell my parents. I found the large snails unusual, and I was scared. But of course, this has nothing to do with the Night Crawlers so let’s continue. Many people have seen Night Crawlers. Native Americans have encountered them.

*According to tribe members that live near Fresno, the Nightcrawlers are beings that have pretty much always lived on earth, even before human beings got there. According to these myths, the Nightcrawlers have long legs that allow them to move through difficult or boggy landscapes because they are swamp-world beings.

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